Tag Archives: Tony Coelho

The Disability Rights Movement Needs Our Activism Now

At a September 2016 campaign stop in Orlando, Florida, Hillary Clinton delivered her Inclusive Economies speech, which unveiled a progressive pro-disability platform.  In her speech, Secretary Clinton painted a picture of an "inclusive economy that welcomes people with disabilities, values their work, and treats them with respect." By claiming progress for people with disabilities through the lens of employment and economic participation, she struck right at the heart of American inclusion. The quintessential goal of the disability advocacy movement is independent living: The opportunity to prepare for a career life, hold down a job and have agency over important decisions.  As the then leader of the Democratic Party, Clinton called on all Americans to focus our energy on making this nation a better place to live for people with disabilities.  Although the election results mean Clinton won't be implementing this platform, her call to action remains a priority for individuals, … Continue Reading ››